Guy Hustinx

Age: 65 years

Why did you start practicing yoga?
The initial motivation was the pursuit of quality of life through physical well-being. I was primarily interested in improving posture, increasing mobility, and flexibility.

What kind of yoga sessions do you practise, eg, online, in a studio or personal zoom or personal in-person.
Zoom and in-studio but always in group sessions. Have not as yet had the experience of practicing one on one with a teacher. The social aspect of practicing in a group is enjoyable but occasional personal sessions could be beneficial. Also, practice on my own at home and when traveling.

How has yoga benefited you?

The initial objectives of posture improvement and better mobility as with everything with Yoga is an ongoing journey but spaces that did not exist before have been created and I am looking forward to building on that progress. I use to regularly bump into things, trip over things…etc These events are much less frequent Yoga has given me better body and space awareness. I tend to move with less haste, deliberately, and with purpose. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am more present.

Increased patience and less irritability, more frequent intuitions, or maybe the awareness of them and the willingness to trust them and follow them. The above are other benefits but I am not sure whether to attribute that to Yoga or meditation. More about that in the answer to the next question

Why do particular reason you like practising with me?

Besides the obvious fact that you are an incredibly gifted teacher who is able to combine clear verbal instructions with a visual demonstration of what to do or not to do and that in itself would be enough for anyone to be a loyal student of yours.

You pay great attention to detail and you are uncompromising. The ability to “see everything” with multiple students who have different requirements is incredible.

You have been my teacher for 5 years now but incessantly you give big or small new innovative “keys” to asanas that so enhance the present and future practices and help people reach new plateaus.

Beyond the practice of Yoga, you are an inspiration to many people including me. Your commitment to principles, your dedication to helping people improve themselves, and your compassion are some of the reasons I have much respect for you. This respect led me to question the decision to abandon my first brush with meditation which would have been a terrible mistake. I meditate daily now and for having inspired me to embark on that journey I am very very grateful.

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